
A life time of Bodybuilding

A LIFE TIME OF BODYBUILDING for yourself because the most important person in your life is you. If you not happy you cannot make others around you happy. Focus on self love and loved ones!!!

Turning “pro” is not the end to all means. Building a great physique takes a life time and tons of knowledge. Don’t focus on the end game because its never ending. Focus on each day rather than a card (PRO CARD). Your gains reflecting back at you are a measurement of your commitment and success. Your body is the most valued asset you will ever have so manage it with care. Bodybuilding never ever stops because of age. It only stops in your mind and heart when you give in or give up. If some where along the way you did quit…? Just start back today or tomorrow or this week because you don’t ever want to be a quitter. If you quit training you might quit other aspects of your life which could mean you spiraling into depression or an abyss of nothingness. I love you all here on this page. God bless you and your families.


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