Surgery or TRAIN around surgery
This year will be my 35th year I have been working out with weights and I still maintain a huge passion for bodybuilding. Once you have been in shape all those years it boggles my mind how some can completely stop? Yes we find other priorities, family commitments and we move on but you still need fitness and self confidence even if it’s going to the gym for 40 minutes a day it will boost your mood and make you feel FANTASTIC. You don’t have to kick ass although I can’t train without trying my best. It’s my game. Hopefully, I can help those that feel they injured AND NEED SURGERY IN ORDER TO MAKE A COMEBACK OR GET STARTED AGAIN IN THE GYM…? Why is your solution surgery? I receive many inbox messages about how people want to get in the gym in 2014 but only after they have had surgery…? 9 times out of 10 you can work around minor injuries and with good training ideas maintain progress. Those old injuries may disappear because of your return to the gym and activity. Surgery may be something you regret as some surgeries are not a sure solution. Certain injuries may even worsen with inactivity. The muscles around that injury are atrophying as you get more and more out of shape. The body needs to sync and exercise is your main frame source. I work around injuries. I try movements in the gym that will counter the pain but still give my body some sort of functionality. Hence HYBRID MOVEMENTS. If I list the injuries I have had in my career they may fill a book because they extensive and many. Did it hold me back?…Never I found a way and this is how I have maintained and improved my mass and conditioning even after 35 years of bodybuilding. Yes I used cycles but I was smart keeping it sensible cycling up for contests and reducing during non contest periods. My message is NEVER STOP YOUR WORKOUTS. You would never know am injured because I never tell people about my injuries as you may start looking for deficiencies in that area. Your body also depends on positive thinking because your body will suppress your body’s levels of healing capabilities with negative thinking. Always, remain excited that you in the gym moving forward focusing on your goals. There are exercises that will relieve pain in some cases. Working out also gives you a mind to body connection that supports posture(Please don’t walk around like you have watermelons under your arms) and laying on a couch can create back injuries. Funny thing is in the last few years I have had more injuries from sitting in front of a computer than I have sustained in the gym training. If you sitting in a chair all day you may also be susceptible to injuries. Not supporting your weight(Weakens bone structure) or not walking and staying active can cause bone problems later in life. Bodybuilders must increase calcium intake to maintain skeletal strength.
I love going to the gym and shopping for healthy food. I spend my money on good meals before I care about houses and cars. Material things are nice to have but your body is the best thing you will ever own so take care of it. You will never see me eating bad food because am short of money due to car notes or home mortgages. It’s a simple rule my mom taught me a long time ago bless her heart RIP mom…Never CUT BACK by buying cheaper meals or on food costs. I want to encourage those of you not eating well or those of you drinking protein drinks instead of eating you fooling yourself you not going to make it. Try to eat the best food you can find besides simple healthy foods are the most inexpensive. Eating healthy meals ensures the gains you need for your contest aspirations and induces good health regardless about what you hear about how outsiders think bodybuilding is unhealthy because of obsessive behavior…Bodybuilders are probably healthier than most that don’t exercise, that eat unhealthy meals, smoke, drink and are lazy.
And finally trust me there is nothing better than living above the minimum testosterone levels that some doctors turn a blind eye to. I can go on and on about this but at the end of the day it’s the quality of life you live that determines your life. Not just being alive but how you live. Every year I seem to learn something new which I have applied to my physique constantly making gains every day changing my body in a positive way. Being in touch with all of the folks here on Facebook makes for more learning because I get to meet individuals complete strangers that enjoy the same opinions and passion. I think bodybuilding prepares us not only physically but mentally we become stronger. It makes you organize your life giving structure, discipline and focus. Yes we have to maintain balance pursuing education, investments and savings because not all of us will become rich from bodybuilding. I have role models in life and some are bodybuilders but most of my role molds are not bodybuilders because I understand that life requires a broad spectrum of knowledge and direction. There’s more to life than just maintaining workouts and meals respectively.
Nobody knows everything in this game because there is so much to learn. If you need my help mail me at GARY@GARYSTRYDOMVIDEOS.COM for ONLINE COACHING WITH GARY STRYDOM ONE ON ONE.