Dry Muscle is better than Insulin BLOAT
Why would you use insulin that increases the size of the fat cell on your body and then turn around and have to use DNP which is a dangerous environmental contaminant. Why not use a well constructed diet and training plan that can bring you ready to do battle on stage at any bodybuilding show. Why would you buy untested underground AAS just because they cheap. I would rather keep my money before I bought fake stuff because then you have a bad product and no money. Usually the cheap price tag tells you it’s fake. Certain quality products are expensive so how does a dealer have a cheap Anavar product? (Anavar is expensive) I’ll tell you why because it’s fake. The dealers must think we stupid…These dealers are all about money so beware of those cheap products and the injectables that claim they 300 or 350 per ml.??? Bullshit…You can’t induce that much medicine into 1ml of oil. Even Bayer a huge pharmaceutical company with very expensive equipment can only do 250 safely. Be aware you have been warned.#NOMEATHEAD thinking. Safe usage and SMASH training gives you#DRYMUSCLE.