Bodybuilding is not just training, nutrition, cycles and posing.
Bodybuilding is not just training, nutrition, cycles and posing. It’s an art/science mixed up with a very specific lifestyle 24/7. My training psychology is definitely focused on longer sets and more volume within a set not in total sets performed. Its typically know by my clients as “smash muscle”. Am also of the mind set that when you doing a movement we must use a group of muscles to achieve a complete and symmetrical physique. There is no such thing as isolation movements my training system is designed to target and hit the whole body like a complete machine working as one unit. Yes to address lagging areas within each persons different genetic structure I apply a system of “layers training” over the “smash.” That’s only included once you have done the “smash” successfully which gives you size and density.
My secrets to obtaining and maintaining my hard, grainy and dense muscle is a result of several rituals I like to practice. One of them is to train flat. When the pump has gone from the muscle, many people stop. I train through it and past it. Some say well that’s over training and I say there is no such thing as over training only under eating, under sleeping or under juicing. I don’t allow my bodyweight to balloon up in the off season because I don’t want to overstretch my skin and lose its elasticity. So when I eat up slightly the already tight skin explodes with the muscle under the skin when I feed it certain foods in those last few days before the contest day.\
I also diet over an extended amount of time, maybe 6-to-8 months so I can remove all of my subcutaneous fat and intra muscular fat, and this leaves nowhere for water to hide. Last, I keep it simple. I eat the same foods every day of the year. You will see me even eat the same foods the day before a show. Nothing changes. It’s the same day in, day out. For water manipulation I introduce a very effective/ complicated and technical protocol that works for everyone.
Great post Gary Strydom. Love reading your blog post.
Thanks Rids
I am new to Pilates I am new to Pilates and I found this very easy to follow. Great inntructioss and I really like the different options according to skill level. I found it challenging and fun.Thanks for the video and keep them coming:)
How come i dont feel sore from dumbbell bench presess wen i bench to failure, 3 4 sets, heavy weights going 7 12 reps? If i go to cable flyes, my arms feel fatigued and pecs dont feel anything.
Thanks Rids.
Awesome gary.i wished all could share the knowledge like you do.
Love it.
Your a motivation no matter where you are Gary. Your upfront hide nothing approach makes you real, much thanks!
Hello reapect for you sir always i love blogs.. can you please help ua to tell how to remove water from body for competitions
Wise words from a true BB Legend. Thank you for sharing your views and insights Gary…even your “secrets”! Although would love to know your water manipulation protocol, and much much more! But then I’d have to hire you for contest prep wouldn’t I lol…
Are you on any forums?
Gh15 lol?
Great post Gary looking forward to more…
It’s a real plsauere to find someone who can think like that
To be honest Ive been using the smith bench press exiecrse for three years and have made solid gains; one in every three workout cycles I swap sm bench with db press in order to strengthen stabilisers, I truly think SM is the better exiecrse for some people as it requires no spotter, too many people struggle along on the freeweight bench scared to push themselves because they have no spotter. In three years Ive moved from a fw max bench from 154lbs to 292lbs. Do what suits you not what is best