Bodybuilding is a SCIENCE
A science of training, nutrition, recuperation and genetics. How you bring all of this together will determine your progress. How you think, learn and concentrate will determine your progress. When I say THINK I mean: Are you determined, dedicated and disciplined. When I say “LEARN” I mean: Listen and watch others that have already done something you like…Read and use trial and error until you find a functional formula within your genetic structure. If you not open to NEW ideas and learning you will stunt your progress maybe not reaching your full potential. I never had a coach ever but I have been a student for 35 years and am like blotting paper I have recorded and absorbed everything which am ready to share with you the people. I help everyone…Not only the rich but the average guy and gal that wants to look their best. All information presented is for entertainment purposes and should not be considered qualified medical advise. I tell the truth about my life experiences to those that want to hear it because I would rather you be safe than misinformed or play a dangerous experiment with your life that may end up very badly.
My guidance includes hybrid training…With correct grip, foot and body positioning…This hybrid training is movement sensitive with definitive rep speed and range. I use a “SMASH” type philosophy that gives you rapid gains…Take’s some learning so I do online video review of your training clips and my feedback helps you do these no matter what level athlete you are from beginner to pro…It’s all about INTENSITY…!!! Contact me if you need my online coaching service and stay in touch with me on Skype. For more information contact me at my email gary@garystrydomvideos.com Kill it in the gym.